Here are some other ways you can work with me. Use the contact form below to discuss further.

Multi-stage race personalised food plan

Are you doing the Marathon des Sables or another multi-stage race in a hot environment? Would you rather outsource the detailed composition of your food plan to an expert? I can create a full detailed food plan for you so that all you need to do is to test, purchase, weigh up, and package the food. I have extensive experience of creating food plans for myself and others from 12 years of multi-stage racing, and guiding my coaching clients on their race food and hydration. I have worked alongside professional nutritionists and dieticians and I understand how to translate science into practical strategies that will work in a self-sufficient race in hot environments. I can help you maximise your race performance, save you a significant amount of research time, weight in your backpack, and perhaps more importantly save you from common pitfalls.

What's included:

  • Two consultations with me (60-90 minutes each as needed).
  • Estimation of your race speed / time on feet in the race.
  • Complete race food plan for up to 7 days, broken down into all meals and stage snacks with weight in grams, calories, macronutrient split (carbohydrates, protein, fats), and sodium specified. Delivered in excel. One revision included after the first version.
  • Guide on how to package and eat (drink) your food.

What you need to do:

  • Fill in a questionnaire to provide me with basic information about you and your food preferences. 
  • Test food items in training (you will get suggestion from me) to determine what will work for you and what you like. 
  • Buy, weigh up, and package all the food as per the food plan.

The cost for this service is USD 750.00. To book, please contact me via my contact form below to make sure I have availability to help you within your required time frame.

If you want help with your food plan but not the full service, you are welcome to book a regular consultation with me to discuss your plan and get my feedback and tips. 

Freeze dried food and coffee MDS Sahara

Race Buddy Experience

Are you looking for someone to accompany you to a race? Perhaps none of your friends / family are interested but you don't want to go alone. Or, you are unsure if you'll make it if alone, and want a support person to guide, keep you on pace, travel with, or similar? I can be your race buddy and do the race with you, subject to us both being happy with the arrangements, meeting race regulations (I cannot be a mule or pacer for you) etc. My primary preference is for multi-stage races. This is an exclusive, premium service and the costs include: 

My race entry fee; day rate or fixed fee for race and travel; travel expenses (flights, hotel outside of what is provided by the race); other expenses if I need specific equipment I do not already have for example, or specific preparation such as vaccinations, acclimation etc; consultations with you in the lead-up. The service can be combined with a coaching package, as well as in-person coaching days or a personal training camp.

Please note that I am not running competitively anymore. Me being able to accompany you every day in a race at your pace depends on how fast you want to run. There is no limit on how slow you can be (I'm happy to walk!), but this is not a pacing service for fast runners, it's a social experience. It is also not a requirement from my side that we run or walk together all the time, you decide what you prefer. Maybe you want to do stages alone, but meet in camp, for example.

In-person Coaching

I am happy to arrange in-person coaching time, either as a session or as a personal training camp. You will either come to me, or fly me to you. In addition to my fees, you are responsible for covering all expenses.


My husband Sondre Amdahl is a sought after coach and we have areas of expertise which complement each other. If you would like to benefit from having two coaches for your goal, we can arrange this at an additional monthly charge.

Get in touch!